Certifications and Affiliations



Convergent Manufacturing Technologies is registered with the Controlled Goods Program and is authorized to examine, possess or transfer controlled goods, including ITAR items.

The Controlled Goods Program (CGP) is a registration and compliance program that regulates access to controlled goods, including International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) items, in Canada. Under the authorities of the Defence Production Act (DPA) and the Controlled Goods Regulations, the CGP's mandate is to strengthen Canada's defence trade controls through the mandatory registration and regulation of businesses and individuals who examine, possess and/or transfer controlled goods.

The Controlled Goods Program was established in 2001 to support Canada's Canada's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) exemption. It was enhanced in 2011 to meet the requirements of the new ITAR dual national rule and Canada's own threat assessments.

For more information on the controlled goods program see Public Works and Government Services Canada:



Convergent is a member of the following organizations: